Forgot Password or Locked Out of JANUS Account
If you need assistance unlocking or changing your JANUS domain password, please contact
After receiving your email, we will send a separate email from UPenn Secure Share with the temporary password, protected by Pennkey 2FA
NoteNOTE: this will be a completely separate email from the person who contacts you and may not have a name attached to it other than Secure Share. Annenberg IT will never ask you for the temporary password, do NOT share it with anyone to protect account security.
After receiving the temporary password:
Log in to a Windows-based PC at Annenberg or your Virtual Machine (VM) with the temporary password, and the computer will prompt you to change your password. Additionally, you can log into your VM via this link -
Alternatively: Please navigate to the following link from an internal ASC host, and follow the steps to reset your JANUS password Please enter your Janus username as “Janus\username”.
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