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Transferring ownership of Box files and folders - Base de conocimiento / General IT Resources - ASC IT Helpdesk

Transferring ownership of Box files and folders

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There are instances in which the creator / owner of a Box folder needs to transfer ownership. For example, files and folders that are shared with others will be deleted when the owner leaves Penn unless they are transferred.

To transfer ownership of your Box files and folders, please email with the subject “Transfer ownership of Box files and folders”.

Please included the following in your email request:

  1. Current Box file owner’s pennkey

  2. Current Box file owner’s supervisor’s pennkey

  3. New owner’s pennkey

  4. New owner’s supervisor’s pennkey

  5. Description (file or folder name)

  6. Need by date for the transfer

  7. Priority (critical, high, medium, low)

Once we’ve received your request for the transfer of ownership of the Box files and folders, we will submit the transfer request to ISC on behalf of the current and new owners.

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