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Adobe Creative Cloud for Annenberg Affiliates

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Adobe Creative Cloud for Annenberg Affiliates


This guide is intended for ASC affiliates who are eligible for a premium Adobe Creative Cloud account paid for through Annenberg UPenn IT’s Media Laboratory.

Getting Started

  1. Submit a support request via or via email at to request an Adobe Creative Cloud subscription.

    1. Please indicate if you need access to Acrobat Pro only or if you need access to other Adobe software.

  2. An IT Support representative will reach out with instructions on how to proceed with Creating or Updating an Adobe Account

    1. Create your account via Email, as we are unable to promote Social Media linked accounts to premium

  3. Create your trial account via Adobe Creative Cloud for your ASC work email (i.e. in the format of <firstname.lastname>

  4. Inform IT Support of your account information creation & details

  5. In one week’s time, your account will be promoted to a paid premium instance

Installing Adobe CC

You can access all Adobe CC apps through the Creative Cloud application here:

Download Ad

Download Adobe CC for Windows / MacOS

Download Adobe Creative Cloud via:


Quick Note: If you're using Windows, you may be prompted to save the downloaded file. If you're using macOS, you may be prompted to allow the download to take place.

Double-click the downloaded file to begin installation:

  • macOS: Creative_Cloud_Installer.dmg

  • Windows: Creative_Cloud_Set-Up.exe

Follow the onscreen instructions to complete your installation.

You would be asked to sign in with your username and password Remember your username is you ASC email: <firstname.lastname>

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Comment (1)

Felicity Paxton
oh boy i just saw this. okay, so i would say i need the most basic account possible that will just let me edit existing pdfs thanks.

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