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Connect to AirPennNet - Android (Google) Phones

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Connect to AirPennNet - Android (Google) Phone

Connect to AirPennNet is a wireless network that delivers a wizard called JoinNow to assist University of Pennsylvania students, faculty, staff, and guests with a PennKey to configure and connect their devices to AirPennNet.

Android's Configuration requires installing the SecureW2 app from the Android Play Store. You can download the app from Connect to AirPennNet, but installing the app in advance makes configuring AirPennNet simpler. Below are the steps for both scenarios.

  1. Open the Settings app and go to Connections > Wi-Fi. Select the ' Connect to AirPennNet' network.

  2. Open the Chrome app and go to or

  3. From the JoinNow page, install the SecureW2 app by clicking the "Download" button, ensuring that "Google Play Store" is selected. If you have installed SecureW2 already, you can skip this step.

  4. Return to Chrome and click on the "JoinNow" button.

  5. The SecureW2 app will open; enter your PennKey and password when prompted and select "Continue."

  6. You're configured; if you're not migrated to AirPennNet automatically, select it from Connections > Wi-Fi in your Settings app

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