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Connect to AirPennNet - Microsoft Windows (Laptops & Desktops)

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Connect to AirPennNet - Microsoft Windows (Laptops & Desktops)

Connect to AirPennNet is a wireless network that delivers a wizard called JoinNow to assist University of Pennsylvania students, faculty, staff, and guests with a PennKey to configure and connect their devices to AirPennNet.

  1. Click on the Wi-Fi icon in the bottom-right corner of the taskbar and connect to "Connect to AirPennNet."

  2. Open a browser and go to or

  3. Click the "JoinNow" button.

  4. An app will be downloaded. Click "Run" when the pop-up asking “if you want to run” appears.

  5. In the app, enter your PennKey and PennKey password when prompted, and select Next.

  6. If prompted, enter the name and password of an administrator account on the computer.

  7. Select Done.

  8. You're configured; if you're not migrated to AirPennNet automatically, select it from the Wi-Fi menu on your taskbar.

Have additional questions or need help? Please contact us at to submit a support request.

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